FoAM – Zenne

The Zenne is a small river local to the Brussels region. A source, a tributary and partially submerged, the Zenne flows beneath the city as a reminder of the swampy realities that Brussels is built upon. Like the river, FoAM Zenne is a fluid entity, an undercurrent connecting wild mixtures of life. By staying with muddy troubles of our times, it taps into what might be brewing under the surface of (more-than-human) societies and questions how to live during times of loss, transformation and shifting cultural values. At FoAM Zenne, generosity and sympoiesis form the basis for regenerative practices which include art, making, experiencing and being together.

FoAM Zenne is committed to expanding what can be considered artistic practice across, within and beneath existing fields. We seek out provocateurs and allies among humans, plants and ghosts in particular, pointing to multiple of ways of being-with a world in turmoil. They inform both the what (form & content) and the how (process & methods) of our work.

This studio closed in 2023.