NPT x CAA: How do you know what you know? Exercises in Attentiveness

How do you know what you know? How to pay gratitude to all that makes our thought and labour possible? How to attend to that, which has been left unnamed and unnoted? How to withhold from the urge to name?
For the past four years, CAA Contemporary Art Archipelago has been nurturing the sharing of methods, protocols and rituals – some inherited or borrowed, others invented or emergent – between artists visiting the island Seili and scientists with decades-long embedded practice in Turku Archipelago. We invite the audience now to take part in this ongoing experimentation with exercises in attentiveness.
On Friday 12th August 2022, a programme of performances, walks, sittings and other exercises will present new site-specific works commissioned by CAA for the island of Seili in collaboration with the Archipelago Research Institute. The participating artists include Band of Weeds, FoAM Earth (Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney), Fraud (Audrey Samson and Francisco Gallardo), Kalle Hamm, Lotta Petronella, and Matterlurgy (Helena Hunter and Mark Peter Wright).
Seili and its myriad spectres have been guiding the work of CAA together with artists and scientists. The ghosts of environmental transformation, histories of othering, and reproductive labour of care have not called for explanation or exorcism, but rather invited acts of conjuring and conspiring with them. They have demanded a reckoning in the face of the abundant inheritances, so as to recall knowledges and sensibilities that lie hidden in the long shadows cast by traditions considered reasonable.
How do you know what you know? Exercises in Attentiveness events are organised collaboratively by CAA Contemporary Art Archipelago and New Performance Turku. The programme and the presented art works are produced as part of CAA’s project Spectres in Change and have been supported by Kone Foundation and the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland.
For more information, visit the Facebook event.
Limited spaces. Book your ticket directly via Holvi.